🌟 Upcoming 2025 dates to be determined
🌟 Upcoming 2025 dates to be determined

Why Art of Convening for Illuman Men?
As men, we are at critical thresholds as the world reckons with increasing violence, ongoing pandemics, racial injustice, geographic instabilities, environmental risks, and other issues that affect Illuman and our communities, families, and individuals. More than ever before we, as men, must address these big challenges while also creating a positive impact. Through the lens of The Art of Convening, we will explore the power of acting from purpose.
Program Start Date: Thursday, July 11
A video message from Terry Chapman:
Course Overview
Dates: July 11, 25, August 8, 22, 29, September 12
Times: Thursdays, 6:00-8:00 pm Central US
Many of us have experienced the impact that Illuman Council gatherings and Men's Rites of Passage have had on our lives. The art and science of Convening aims to build on those experiences and deepen men's capacity to engage not only within the Illuman context but also in places of worship, the workplace, and around the family table.
The course is based on applying the 9 Aspects of the Convening Wheel, a practical roadmap to activate convening as a core leadership competency, from CPL's seminal book, The Art of Convening: Authentic Engagement in Meetings, Gatherings, and Conversations.
Six live, interactive 2.0-hour sessions via Zoom
Between-session assignments including short video lectures, individual readings, journaling, experiential exercises, and assessments
Session recordings will be available in Center for Purposeful Leadership online learning community

Creating Powerful Containers of Welcome, Safety & Belonging
Acting from purpose grants illuminated men the ability to focus on what matters. For the last 28 years, Center for Purposeful Leadership has crafted human-centered practices and principles that lead to authentic engagement.
With other Illuman men, we will explore four interrelated questions:
In the face of disruption, how do we engage from a place of compassionate and wise response - in order to participate in the emerging future?
How does the Convening framework guide and accompany us toward the emerging future?
How will we connect with companions who can lead and share the journey with us?
What practices can help us to act with purpose and intent, as co-creators, bringing gifts of wholeness and healing into the world?
√ The CPL Communities Online Learning Platform offers easy one-stop access to:
•All pre- and post-session assignments,
•Zoom session video recordings with chat and transcripts,
•A peer-to-peer discussion forum in which to share questions, challenges and successes,
•Lifetime access to the course materials so you can review the content as often as you need, on your schedule.
√ 6 2-hour live (via Zoom) group learning sessions
√ Pre and Post participant surveys
√ The Art of Convening [book or e-version]
√ Curriculum: overview of the AoC Book, course readings, journaling combined with an exploration of the practices, principles, challenges and successes of convening
√ Interactive exercises designed to maximize collaborative learning and application-
√ Learn and practice the 9 Steps to Collaboration in a highly interactive learning environment.
√ A frameable course completion certificate
Learning: You will become part of a collaborative learning community of other men dedicated to supporting your work in the world, sharing best practices and practical learnings.
Knowledge and Practice: You will gain a solid foundation in convening principles and practices required to become a confident Convener, both virtually and in person. This will be done by applying the 9 Aspects of the Convening Wheel as a pathway in meetings, gatherings, and conversations you lead.
Integration: You will have a greater sense of how to integrate your life’s purpose with the role of leader/Convener and inspired catalyst for change in your life and work.
Influence: You will increase your capacity to step out into the world in a more powerful way to act with purpose and intent, as co-creators, bringing gifts of wholeness and healing into the world.

Session Themes
Each 2.0-hour session builds upon the last, combining guided teaching based on Session Themes, practices, and collaborative learning using both reflective exercises and interactive breakout sessions. By the end of the course, you will have developed your convening skills and have a practical roadmap to activate convening as a core leadership competency.
Session 1: Heart of the Matter
Course welcome and overview
Introducing the nine Aspects of the Convening Wheel
Understanding the heart of convening and why it matters
Session 2: Clarifying Intent
Clarifying your purpose and intention
Understanding the importance of shared purpose and vision
Using the Aspects of the Convening Wheel to clarify intent
Session 3: Invitation & Setting Context
Designing the invitation for your convening
Creating a welcoming environment
Setting the context and creating agreements
Session 4: Creating the Container & Hearing All the Voices
Creating a connected container for your convening
Hearing and valuing all perspectives
Session 5: Essential Conversation
Deepening connection and resonance
Building trust and respect
Using the Aspects of the Convening Wheel to facilitate essential conversations
Session 6: Creation & Commitment to Action; Course Completion
Harvesting insights and outcomes
Creating actionable steps and commitments
Celebrating course completion and next steps
Course Conveners
Originator, Art of Convening Methodology, Trainings & Books
D.min., Certified Convening Leader
Registration Info
Dates: July 11, 25, August 8, 22, 29, September 12
Times: Thursdays, 6:00-8:00 pm Central US
We are celebrating the 20th Anniversary of The Art of Convening with this special offer:
The standard amount for the 6 sessions is $595. We are offering it to Illuman Men for $75.00 to cover CPL’s administrative costs.
We want to make the program accessible to as many as possible,
Questions? Contact Terry Chapman or Craig Neal
Participation Agreements
INTENTION: Building trust while being in a learning community together.
This program is live and interactive with the program leaders and participants. There is an expectation of participation in all sessions, to the best of your ability.
All sessions are a blend of group interaction in & between sessions with experiential exercises and individual reading and reflection.Cancellation Policy:
Refunds will be made if requested in writing 10 days prior to the course start date.No refunds will be made for requests received after the 10-day cutoff.
Email Patricia Neal with any questions: pneal@centerfpl.com .