🌟 Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Art of Convening
🌟 Tuition is self-determined. Learn more.
🌟 Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Art of Convening 🌟 Tuition is self-determined. Learn more.

Art of Convening
Applied Convening

Empowering Engagement:
Purposeful Meetings
Powerful Outcomes
Transform Your Meetings and Conversations with The Art of Convening™
Are you struggling to build genuine connections with colleagues and clients? Do you feel like your meetings and conversations lack direction and purpose?
Our live, Zoom-based, interactive course is designed to help you overcome these challenges and transform your communication skills. The Applied Convening™ course teaches you how to create authentic engagements and shared purpose through our replicable pattern of deep connection and mutual respect.
2024 Fall Program Start Date: October 29
We are celebrating the 20th Anniversary of The Art of Convening with this special offer: Payment for this program is self-determined. Click to learn more.
Craig Neal and Cecily Victor co-convene with Amber Yang
Course Overview
2024 Fall Program Start Date: October 29
Dates: October 29, November 12, 26, December 3, 17, January 7, 2025
Times: Tuesdays, 6:00-8:00 pm Central US
This course is designed to help you develop your convening skills through 6 live sessions in a collaborative learning community of other professionals. You’ll be supported by a robust learning platform and between-session assignments.
The course is based on applying the 9 Aspects of the Convening Wheel, a practical roadmap to activate convening as a core leadership competency, from CPL's seminal book, The Art of Convening: Authentic Engagement in Meetings, Gatherings, and Conversations.
Course Format:
Six live, 2.0-hour sessions via Zoom
Between-session assignments including short video lectures, individual readings, journaling, experiential exercises, and assessments
Session recordings available in the Center for Purposeful Leadership online learning community
Lifetime access to the course materials and learning platform. You can review the content as often as you need, on your schedule.

Why Applied Convening?
The Applied Convening™ Zoom-based online course is a proven 9 Steps to Collaboration framework that will teach you the art and science of designing and leading meetings and conversations that are inspirational, productive, and transformative.
Create meetings and conversations designed to bring purpose and direction.
Build trust by designing spaces of welcome, safety & belonging (psychological safety)
Grow your leadership capacity to benefit your team, your clients, your community.
You will learn meeting management techniques including:
Assessing previous meetings and determining areas for improvement
Preparing for meetings and determining their purpose
Designing meetings to ensure the goal is met
Ending a meeting and clarifying potential next steps or action items.
√ The CPL Communities Online Learning Platform offers easy one-stop access to:
•All pre- and post-session assignments,
•Zoom session video recordings with chat and transcripts,
•A peer-to-peer discussion forum in which to share questions, challenges and successes,
•Lifetime access to the course materials and learning platform. You can review the content as often as you need, on your schedule.
√ 6 2-hour live (via Zoom) group learning sessions
√ Pre and Post participant surveys
√ The Art of Convening [book or e-version]
√ Curriculum: overview of the AoC Book, course readings, journaling combined with an exploration of the practices, principles, challenges and successes of convening
√ Interactive exercises designed to maximize collaborative learning and application-
√ Learn and practice the 9 Steps to Collaboration in a highly interactive learning environment.
√ A frameable course completion certificate
Learning: You will become part of a collaborative learning community of other professionals dedicated to supporting your work in the world, sharing best practices and practical learnings.
Knowledge and Practice: You will gain a solid foundation in convening principles and practices required to become a confident Convener, both virtually and in person. This will be done by applying the 9 Aspects of the Convening Wheel as a pathway in meetings, gatherings, and conversations you lead.
Integration: YYou will have a greater sense of how to integrate your life’s purpose with the role of leader/Convener and inspired catalyst for change in your life and work.
Influence: You will increase your capacity to step out into the world in a more powerful way to inspire maximum creativity and innovation. Build new “muscles” of listening, collaboration, and leadership.

Session Themes
Each 2.0-hour session builds upon the last, combining guided teaching based on Session Themes, practices, and collaborative learning using both reflective exercises and interactive breakout sessions. By the end of the course, you will have developed your convening skills and have a practical roadmap to activate convening as a core leadership competency.
Session 1: Heart of the Matter
Course welcome and overview
Introducing the nine Aspects of the Convening Wheel
Understanding the heart of convening and why it matters
Session 2: Clarifying Intent
Clarifying your purpose and intention
Understanding the importance of shared purpose and vision
Using the Aspects of the Convening Wheel to clarify intent
Session 3: Invitation & Setting Context
Designing the invitation for your convening
Creating a welcoming environment
Setting the context and creating agreements
Session 4: Creating the Container & Hearing All the Voices
Creating a connected container for your convening
Hearing and valuing all perspectives
Session 5: Essential Conversation
Deepening connection and resonance
Building trust and respect
Using the Aspects of the Convening Wheel to facilitate essential conversations
Session 6: Creation & Commitment to Action; Course Completion
Harvesting insights and outcomes
Creating actionable steps and commitments
Celebrating course completion and next steps
Course Conveners
Certified Convening Leader; CPL Board Chairperson; Berrett-Koehler Foundation
Cecily Victor
Craig Neal
Originator of the Art of Convening;
co-founder, CPL
Amber Yang
Convening Leader; Executive Director, PEERS and WhatToKnow.info
Registration Info
We are celebrating the 20th Anniversary of The Art of Convening with this special offer:
We are celebrating the 20th Anniversary of The Art of Convening with this special offer:
The standard amount for the 6 sessions is $595. We are offering for $99.00 to cover CPL’s administrative costs.
We want to make the program accessible to as many as possible.
Paying it forward: If later on you wish to contribute more, and desire to support us to make more learning journeys in the future, use the payment button to add an additional amount.


Frequently Asked Questions
This course would be a great fit for you if you are:
Looking for ways to make meetings and gatherings more effective and enjoyable for powerful outcomes.
Wanting to deepen your understanding of the 9 Aspects of the Art of Convening Wheel, a transformational relational “tool” and methodology.
Finding yourself in a new leadership role that requires you to lead meetings. What are best practices to support your intentions?
Curious about how to apply the 9 Aspects within your particular situation? Each participant develops a case study for real-time application.
Yearning to create spaces of welcome and belonging in order to engage in more authentic conversations for the highest possible outcome.
Live, online group courses combine the flexibility and ease of online learning with the ability to connect with others on a similar path. There is the potential for small and large group discussion and engagement, as well as the potential to share successes, challenges, and questions. Course participants also find that making a commitment to come together with others at a designated time each week holds them more accountable to make the best of their course experience.
This event is a "blended learning" experience. This means that the course involves a combination of some self-directed, pre-recorded material and live, online, group learning sessions where participants come together at the same time to learn new content and engage in an interactive discussion.
Our tiered tuition (sliding scale) empowers individuals to participate who could not otherwise do so, and enables us to offer our life-changing work where it can do the greatest good.
We use an honor system and don’t require you to disclose your income. We also honor that both expenses and income factor into your unique situation, so we ask that you discern the price that is truly right for you - whether that is below or above your suggested tier.
So that our work can also serve those who could not otherwise afford it, please invest an amount that is a “stretch” but not a hardship, factoring in your access to outside support (i.e., family, employer and/or fundraising). Referring to the tier tuition scale, ask yourself:
What investment level would be comfortable for me?
What level would be a “stretch” but not a hardship - truthfully factoring in my access to outside resources?
Am I willing to register at that level?
In addition to attendance at the 6 2-hour live Zoom sessions, you should plan to spend at least 2-3 hours between sessions in order to complete pre- and post-session assignments–which include readings, short videos, session journaling questions and suggested activities.
Also, following Session 1, you will be paired with a Learning Partner as a way to reinforce and help grow each other’s learnings. We will ask that you make a commitment to each other to meet for 30-60 minutes in-between each of the live Zoom sessions.
Since each live session is designed utilizing the Art of Convening wheel, you will directly experience the application of each of the 9 aspects in different sessions. And, although recordings, transcripts and chat will be available for review following each session, these do not include the richness of breakout discussions with your fellow participants.
The opportunity to learn together with others is an important component of this course - for several key reasons. On the one hand, learning within a group helps deepen the learning experience, far more than one can do by oneself. However, group work also helps broaden the learning, as you learn from other people’s situations and questions. Questions will get asked that you didn’t realize would be important, but really are, and help you find a path through your own situation or context that might not have been perceptible to you otherwise.
Therefore, making an effort to attend and participate in each session is a high priority and commitment to yourself and your fellow learners. You will not inconvenience or interrupt the group if you need to arrive late or leave early. Just let your convener leader know in advance.
No. Course registration is per individual. Sharing your login privileges with individuals who have not paid for the course is considered a copyright violation. Individuals who are not appropriately registered for the course are also not eligible for a Certificate of Completion. We track each student's learning journey, so that we may better support your learning goals.
Alternatively, we DO offer a special corporate rate for 3 (or more) individuals who register at the same time. For more information, please email help@centerfpl.org
For course-content-specific questions, you may schedule a free 15-min consult via Zoom or phone with Craig Neal. For more general questions, please email help@centerfpl.com.
Participation Agreements
INTENTION: Building trust while being in a learning community together.
This program is live and interactive with the program leaders and participants. There is an expectation of participation in all sessions, to the best of your ability.
All sessions are a blend of group interaction in & between sessions with experiential exercises and individual reading and reflection.Cancellation Policy:
Refunds will be made if requested in writing 10 days prior to the course start date.No refunds will be made for requests received after the 10-day cutoff.
Email Patricia Neal with any questions: pneal@centerfpl.com .