A Call to Community: Conscious Technology for Authentic Engagement

Monday April 18th

Technology and “The New Normal”

Technology has changed our daily lives as we know it and it’s not changing any time soon. So how do we navigate our lives in the new and evolving online space and how can we engage authentically with community in the digital age? This week’s conversation starters include the Center for Purposeful Leadership interns Lily Jones and Greta Seitz to explore how we can be vulnerable and adaptable for long term preservation of self in an online space. Lily and Greta are joined by Kayla Park, CPL’s Marketing intern in this candid conversation about how technology and community go hand-in-hand and some of the impact and outcomes we have seen over the past 2+ years.

Why Now?

As a community we are reaching the point where it feels like this should be over by now… With COVID we have shifted our lives online and it doesn’t seem to being going back to “normalcy” any time soon. There are glimpses as some return back to work and resume in person activities but things are undeniably different, and that’s ok! Human beings are resilient but we must learn how to adapt to our new environment and circumstances. We can no longer rely on a future in which things are the way they once were. Instead, we must lean into it and figure out how we can be our most authentic selves while engaging in community online. The weekly Essential Conversations are a great way to do this as well as our upcoming event on April 19th, The Ultimate Dinner Party in which we discuss the important questions of today all through choice of in person or online participation. This is all to say that although we are experiencing unprecedented times, we do not need to sacrifice our relationships with others but rather adapt to new methods. We would love for you to join us and make your voice heard!


About the Conversation Starters

Learn more about the three Center for Purposeful Leadership interns by visiting their profiles on the team page where you can learn more about their backgrounds, interests, and roles at CPL!