speedshift from ‘stink’in thinking to Olympian Thinking
Mindset of a champion
“The Fastest Way to World Peace” is based on Willis Harman’s Global Mind Change.
In his book Global Mind Change, Futurist Willis Harman stated that ‘the negative belief that peace is not possible, is the greatest impediment to achieving world peace’. Mentored by Willis, two time Olympic Pentathlete Marilyn King was seized by a thought that “if people the world over thought about peace the way Olympians think about gold medals, we could see peace in my lifetime.” Based on a Ted Turner sponsored joint Russian American venture called The Peace Team, Peace is The Only Gold is a global systemic change initiative designed to speedshift from ‘stink’in thinking to Olympian Thinking about peace.
Join us in a conversation about One Plausable Scenario for peace and discover how in this time of AI (Access to Information) we can speedshift from poorly informed, misinformed and limiting beliefs about peace, to full tilt boogie. ‘Full tilt boogie’ is when you ignite the Olympian that lives within each of us aligning body mind and spirit to achieve things that were previously unimaginable.
The shift is on. Peace is the Only Gold will insure that people who want to live in a world that works for all will be inspired, informed and engaged.
One day soon you will be asked ‘Where were you when the shift happened?” Marilyn’s reply will be “I was in the thick of it”.
Marilyn King, Two-time Olympian and founder of the Olympian Peace Team.
Founder of Way Beyond Sports, Marilyn a two-time Olympian in the Pentathlon, with a 20-year athletic career that includes five national titles and a World Record.
Marilyn competed in the 1972 Munich and the 1976 Montreal Olympics in the grueling five-event Pentathlon.
Following a car accident that prevented her from training physically for her third Olympic Team, Marilyn turned to mental training techniques and placed second at the Olympic trials for the 1980 Moscow Games.
This experience led to a 35-year career in exceptional human performance, focusing on systemic change in business, education, and peace.
All successful people have three things in common that are not special gifts or talents, but can be identified and developed in everyone. Olympian Thinking is a process that aligns these three elements and is applicable to individuals, teams and organizations. Marilyn has 30+ years experience applying "Olympian Thinking" to sustained high performance, leadership and teamwork.
Marilyn has conducted programs for Fortune 500 companies, presented at over 200 national and international education conferences, and co-created the Dare to Imagine program.
Her most pioneering work, "The Peace Team," resulted in two opportunities to speak at the United Nations and an invitation to create a U.N. sub-committee on the role of sport in peacebuilding.
With corporate clients including Apple Computer, Federal Reserve Bank, IKEA, Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, Oracle, Starbucks, and Wells Fargo. nternationally respected educator with a focus on the teaching of higher-order thinking skills and the application of "Olympian Thinking" to address global/systemic change challenges.
“Recently, some of my Olympian friends said yes to joining me at the Power of Women, a global virtual conference designed to accelerate the next generation of empowering women. Our panel of Olympians drew lessons from Gold Medalists and our experiences of living in peace in the Olympic Village to inspire and move people to action. It was powerful to recall that ethos that has sustained us every day, all these years later.”
Way Beyond Sports seeks to extend the application of imagery and related skills to a broader arena of individual and social concerns, including world peace.
1972 & 1976 Olympian, second at 1980 Olympic trials