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Whole Person Leadership: What's Life Asking of You Now? TQ & EQ

What's Life Asking of You Now? TQ & EQ

with Whole Person Leadership Faculty member, Kim Kristenson-Lee, MAIR, ACC, TICC, CCL


Knowing how to healthfully navigate transitions is a key capability of generative human beings.  

We live a nonlinear life with regular disruptors.  There are “life quakes”- major disruptions that cause us to need to re-craft our entire storyline. Our ability to recognize, navigate, and make meaning of life transitions keeps us healthy and keeps our stories coherent.

A lens that allows us to understand what is happening:  we are almost always in some transition state—and that transition is normal—is transformational. 

A special conversation and a taste of Whole Person Leadership & leading the Whole Person Way. Find community, inspiration, and resources for leading during uncertain and disruptive times. Explore with us becoming and being a whole person leader.

February 3

Community Hearth: 9-10am + 15-minute After-party

February 6

CPL Connect