July 25 Essential Conversation

The Heart of Convening:

Giving, Receiving & Growing Together in Community

You’re invited! Come, learn more and add ideas to build our exciting upcoming retreat for Fall 2022.

The power of human connection is the key to our collective future. This is our calling, our mutual purpose: to enhance the power of every engagement by bringing everyone’s voice and wisdom to a positive outcome. This is the foundation of collective impact.

Hear from an array of CPL leaders, alums, and members of the community about this amazing opportunity to grow as a purposeful leader as we plan the retreat based on YOUR ideas and suggestions. Details below.

 How can you contribute to the 7/25 Essential Conversation?

Your voice matters. Whether you are able to attend in October, or not, we ask for your ideas to help the CPL Team design the upcoming October 13-16 Retreat.

The 2021 Retreat was a huge success full of wonderful people, in person and Zoom. As the world continues to pivot and our lives continue to evolve, it’s more crucial than ever to gather:

  • What leadership is needed now to create positive impact toward manifesting the CPL vision?

  • What can we learn in an intentional community conversation?

  • As Purposeful Leaders, holders of space, and conveners of change, what do we want to strengthen, and bring forward, on behalf of those we serve?

We will explore the 4 Contexts and The Art of Convening in an Open Space format:

The 4 Contexts: Interior - Relational - Systemic - Environmental


CPL Vision: A just, inclusive, and interconnected world—a world that works for all.

Open Space breakouts in this session:

➡️ Building Community ➡️ Systemic: AoC in action ➡️ Systemic: Racial Justice

➡️ Whole Person Leadership ➡️ Creating Spaces of Welcome, Safety & Belonging

➡️ Interior: The Inner Work of Convening ➡️ Environment: Nature, Sustainability

➡️ Your idea