Art of Convening

Introduction to Convening

Course Info


Welcome to Convening

To Be a Trusted Leader who Creates Positive Change in Uncertain Times, There is a 3-fold Path.
In the Core Course we explore how to connect, engage, and collaborate.

Video from Craig Neal and Mary Elaine Kiener (3:11 minutes)


“Convening was, and is, one of the most powerful, life-altering forces in the universe. [It] energizes communities and organizations to stir us to survive and envision what might be possible.”

- Richard Leider, Author of The Power Of Purpose

Course Information

  • Introduction to Convening provides a self-guided, online, interactive exploration of the 9 Aspects to Collaboration of the Convening Wheel. It teaches the art and science of putting your purpose into action, as you learn how to design inspirational, productive and transformative meetings and conversations.

    It serves as an ever-expanding multimedia version of the original Art of Convening book (first published in 2011). Rather than “replacing” the book, the course augments it with video lectures, online discussion, open-book quizzes, etc. and can be continuously updated to match present day convening challenges and opportunities.

  • The Introduction to Convening online learning platform provides a foundation for all of our Art of Convening programs— as well as an ongoing field guide for ALL practicing conveners to learn and experience how to create authentic engagement through meetings, gatherings and conversations— a core competency of purposeful leadership.

  • In this course, you will be guided step-by-step through the 9-chapter Art of Convening book.

    Chapter 1: At the Heart of the Matter
    Chapter 2: Clarifying Intent
    Chapter 3: The Invitation
    Chapter 4: Setting Context
    Chapter 5: Creating the Container
    Chapter 6: Hearing All the Voices
    Chapter 7: Essential Conversations
    Chapter 8: Creation
    Chapter 9: Commitment to Action

    Each chapter/ session will include all course materials, learning exercises and journaling prompts.

    Additionally, as a member of the online CPL community, you can become more deeply connected with other CPL members around the world.

  • Grow your leadership capacity: Learn the foundations of great leadership.

    Deepen your knowledge: You will gain a foundation in the Convening principles & practices required to become a confident convener, including the 9 steps to collaboration and the methodology of creating spaces for authentic engagement.

    Strengthen your practice: You will have opportunities to begin to apply the 9 Aspects of the Convening Wheel as a practical pathway to design any engagement you lead.


Ignite Your Purpose with the Art of Convening 9 Aspects Model™

All AoC trainings and programs incorporate the “9 Steps to Collaboration” of the Convening Wheel. These steps teach the art and science of putting your purpose into action, as you learn how to design inspirational, productive, and transformative meetings and conversations.


"CPL helped me use the Art of Convening to plan an important series of meetings that were much more successful as a result. I received feedback from participants that these meetings were among the most effective they’d ever experienced, and it was clear to me that they resulted in productive outcomes and very positive energy. The Art of Convening works, and CPL is a valuable partner!"

— Dave Rapaport, Ben & Jerry’s

"I came away from The Art of Convening Training (AoC) more energized, focused and ready to forge ahead with an appreciation of what was missing in our traditional approach to holding meetings. We have implemented the AoC within our organization and using the convening principles are gaining greater/deeper participation and collaboration in our meetings."

— General Manager, Metropolitan Council Environmental Services, Minnesota

“The Art of Convening was a gift to my professional and personal life! By the end of the program I was using the AoC principles to design my meetings and people actually started looking forward to attending! I am looking forward to being in touch with both Patricia and Craig to learn more to bring soul and breath back to board and meeting rooms!

— Cecily Victor, Berrett-Koehler Foundation