Whole Person Leadership for Women Testimonials and Qualitative Research Reports (2018-2024)

Seven years of insights, learnings, growth.

"...no-one has been more impactful on me than Vivian. No-one."

Vivian Jenkins Nelsen received this accolade from a former healthcare CEO after being interviewed on Vivian Jenkins Nelsen on Leadership ~ (The Mary Hanson Show) - YouTube

“A simple summary: You have made a world of difference in my life, and hopefully, it’s to be the benefit of others."

Reflections from a Whole Person Leadership Alum:

What are your top takeaways?

· All things trust - how to create it, how to break it, how it is built in the smallest of moments vs. grand gestures, how foundational it is.

· Finding your “calling” –define as (Gifts + Passion + Values) = Calling. Developing a “purpose statement”.

· Key lesson: committing structured time each week to progress is the only way.

· The power of a cohort setting: gaining the collective wisdom of a trusting community.

· Art of Convening: as the foundation, the way it brings focus to the group and the principles taught were HIGHLY effective.

Click to view seven years of Impact. Can you see yourself in these findings?

Reflections from a Whole Person Leadership Alum:

The Whole Person Leadership program was a pivotal experience that really did bring my leadership to the next level, which is what I was looking for. I was feeling stuck and maxed out on what I saw as my current level of leadership.

Throughout the WPL course I was able to discover and connect with a deep awareness about what my unique skills and talents are and how they lead to my greater purpose of what I have to contribute as a leader at work and in my personal relationships. Since experiencing the course, I have really tuned into and appreciate my unique style of leadership and have learned to step up and step in where I can truly add value.