Whole Person Leadership for Women Summit

July 9-11, 2024

  • Tuesday, July 9
    2:00 pm - 5:00 pm CT
    6:00-7:00 pm Dinner
    post-dinner "campfire conversation"


    Gather to have fun/get oriented in our purpose.

  • July 11 Agenda (times may vary)

    1:45 pm: Arrive in Library to get settled

    2:00 pm: Day 1 Session opens

    5:00 pm: Day 1 Close

    6:00 pm: Dinner

    7:00 pm: "Fireside Chat" with Vivian
    Social/unstructured time (optional)

    MPR News with Kerri Miller
    What transitioning taught a transgender pastor about power, sex and patriarchy

    The Journey, Mary Oliver

    • Course binder

    • WPL Journal

    • Napkin Test

    • 16pf Report

    • Trust Leadership Behaviors

    • Leadership Blueprint

    • GROW Coaching Model

    • Snack

    • Bring an object or image that represents wholeness for you

    Our favorite HeartMath Exercise: Freeze Frame


NOTE: CPL will provide print copies of all of documents in the blue boxes below:

  • Wednesday, July 10
    9:00 am - 5:00 pm CT
    6:00-7:00 pm Dinner
    + pre/post activities

    Grounding in the Authentic You

    Who am I, expressing my core values? Grounding in my purpose.

  • July 12 Agenda (times may vary)

    8:30 am: Social Time, meditation (optional)

    8:55 am: Arrive in Library to get settled

    9:00 am: Day 2 Session open

    11:15 am-1:00 pm: Lunch, Collage/creative/social time

    Faculty time

    1:00 pm: Session resumes

    5:00 pm: Day 2 Close

    5:00 pm: Social/unstructured time (optional)

    6:00 pm: Dinner

    7:00 pm: Campfire (depending on the weather)

    Advice to Myself, Louise Erdrich

  • Thursday, July 11
    9:00am-4:30pm CT
    + pre activities

    Claiming Your Future Self as a Whole Person Leader

    Who do I want to be, or be more of?

  • July 13 Agenda (times may vary)

    8:30 am: Social Time, meditation (optional)

    8:55 am: Arrive in Main room to get settled

    9:00 am: Day 3 Session open

    12:15-1:00 pm: Lunch break

    Faculty time

    Social time

    1:30 pm: Session resumes

    4:30 pm: Summit Close/Celebration

    Catching Up, Clarissa Pinkola Estes

    • Course binder

    • WPL Journal

    • Leadership Blueprint

    • Purpose Plan

    • Your completed Vision Board

Summit Resources

• Leadership Challenge/Blueprint

• Purpose Plan

• Your Time Diet

• Talking about race, white privilege, and systemic racism

Additional Resources

Working Together Digitally and Staying Whole, Michael Soule
Draw a Classical Labyrinth (YouTube)
What Makes Women CEOs Different? Korn Ferry Institute
7 New Thoughts and 7 Old Thoughts About Fear, Frances Moore Lappe



